Monday, September 12, 2011

52 Blocks Challenge: Lyte Burly & Rahmel's Students Square Off

Not a day goes by that someone doesn't hit me up asking me to post more 52 Blocks videos. Here's the thing people, I can only post what's put out there. There's not a lot of new 52 Blocks videos out there like you'd find from other combat systems. You ask and I'll provide, but be patient.

Here's the latest 52 Blocks video from Lyte Burly's camp. The video is of Lyte Burly's student Young Burly and Rahmel's (IMMr52) student Cheeze gettin' it in. As described by Lyte Burly at the end of the video, the two camps had been going back and forth about which does the 'real' 52 Blocks, so to put an end to all the talk, Cheeze visits the Burlys and here is the result:

Here's a bonus for you 52 lovers:

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